One of the gems I often use in my Ruby on Rails projects is Sikekiq. For those of you who don’t know about it, it allows to easily manage background processes.
As I’m now using Hanami more and more for my personal projects it quickly became essential to me to integrate it in Hanami. Fortunately Sidekiq is framework agnostic and easy to get up and running in any Ruby project.
Setting up Sidekiq
As in every other Ruby project, the first thing to do is to add
Sidekiq dependency in your Gemfile
then bundle install
gem 'sidekiq'
Once installed we need to configure it, it’s pretty straightforward since the only thing we need to define is the Redis URL to use.
We’re going to encapsulate this configuration in its own file
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.redis = { url: ENV.fetch('REDIS_URL') }
Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
config.redis = { url: ENV.fetch('REDIS_URL') }
There are two things here. First we make use of environment variable to define and get Redis URL. It is a best practice pushed by Hanami which already setup all you need to use environment variable effectively. This avoid hard-coding it and ease configuration for deployment tools.
The other noticeable thing is that we use fetch
to retrieve the
value associated to our REDIS_URL
key rather than accessing it
through []
. The advantage with fetch
is it will raise an IndexError
exception if the key doesn’t exist so we’ll notice the missing key /
value pair as soon as we start the server.
We then need to tell Hanami that it should load it on start. We could
have put this file in something like apps/web/config/initializers
and it would have been loaded automatically without any further
configuration but I don’t think that Sidekiq is tied to one of our
app, it’s more of a transverse component that can be used by any of
our inner apps.
So let’s instruct our Hanami app about this file to load by editing
require_relative './sidekiq'
We can now set Redis URL in our .env.development
file which will be
sourced automatically on server start.
Scheduling tasks from our application
Since our workers are not tied to a given app, we’re going to put them
in lib/<application_name>/workers
because lib
directory is
dedicated to business logic and domain model.
So let’s say we create a worker that does an heavy processing, it
could be something like
class HeavyProcessing
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(some, params)
# Do some heavy processing
As you can see it’s just plain Sidekiq code with a class that
s Sidekiq::Worker
and defines a perform
method that can
take any arguments.
Now you can use it from anywhere in your code to schedule background jobs. In our example the call would be something like:
HeavyProcessing.perform_async(:something, {hard: "to process"})
Ok the task is now scheduled but we still need to run Sidekiq deamon to watch for those scheduled tasks and run them.
Running Sidekiq deamon along with Hanami
The first dumbest way to do this is to run your Hanami app from a terminal:
$ bin/hanami server
then open up another tab and run Sidekiq manually:
$ bin/sidekiq -e development -r ./config/environment.rb
It’s pretty tedious and your workmates won’t thanks you for that.
Another simpler, more reliable way to do this is to use a Procfile
. It’s
a way to define what must be started and how it should be started. You
can then use something
like Foreman to read this
and do the job for you:
app: bin/hanami server
sidekiq: bin/sidekiq -e development -r ./config/environment.rb
You’re now able to start every piece of software needed to run the app with a single command:
$ foreman start
If you ever had some more dependencies, you’ll just have to add it to
your Procfile
For Docker’s fan you can also use it with docker-compose to start all your services.
Let’s schedule
This is a pretty long post for such a simple thing to setup but I wanted to be very didactic so even the new comers to Hanami and Sidekiq can understand what happens.
Now you’re ready to schedule background jobs from your Hanami app! Make good use of it.
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